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Ways To Give.

Giving Online





You can give in person every Sunday when the ushers pass the offering plates or find one of our drop boxes by the entrances.

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Malachi 3:10

Why do I give?

  • The Bible teaches Christians to be generous givers of our resources (Acts 2:42-47). Giving is an aspect of personal worship (Gen. 4:3-5; Matt. 12:41-44), and we should give with joy (2 Cor. 9:6-8). Scriptures provide a standard of giving in the Old Testament called the tithe (Mal. 3:10). The New Testament does not abolish the tithe; however, the emphasis becomes the ready participation of Christians to generously give to meet needs (Acts 4:36-37; 2 Cor. 8:2-5). Therefore, we understand giving to be our Christian duty, and we give our tithe to the Lord joyfully as a means of worship.


Where does your money go?

  • 8% of all tithes go to Cooperative Program

  • 2% of all tithes go to the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association

  • .5% of all tithes go to local ministries: Sav-A-Life Bessemer & The Grace Place

  • The remaining tithes go to fund the operating expenses and ministry of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church.

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